So many good things happen on Wednesday!  It’s Hump-day, it’s bologna and cheese day at the old-folks home AND it’s LBK’s Show Recording day! This week we let Jeff hang with the In-laws on a beach with a Kite… and we Hijack the show! Robin gets all philosophical about Borderlands Pre-Sequel, Rachel dreams of a seal clubbing.. OK not really. She just wants a world like Animal Crossing…with a little more violence. Drew pulls out the $5 words like Panache  and we have a special guest.. Leon!!


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Facebook: LittleBigKast


Or join in on some comments below!

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(Monday 6/15 at 5:30 p.m. PST, we will broadcast a special live episode where we react, comment and generally geek out (at least I will) over the Sony E3 presser.)

This week!

As you will see, this episode brings Rachel a little closer to insanity as she uses our new habit to add structure to her life every Monday night for “Monday at Moxxi’s” Borderlands gaming with Robin who is shamelessly promoting this ( &

Drew revels in his ability to have advising meetings via Skype and is open to advise anyone (and we mean ANYONE) about majors, college and future goals. He’s an inspiration to us all 🙂

This week, we follow suit with the gaming world and make stabs in the dark about E3 this coming week.

Here’s the new hotness for the news:

Super Meat Boy Coming to PS4, PS Vita

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is coming to PS4 this October

Bethesda employee states Fallout 4 is not coming to Xbox 360 or PS3

[Rumor] The Last Guardian May Finally Appear at E3 2015

LittleBigPlanet 3: The Journey Home expansion coming in July

Keep in mind, we are professors, media people and gamers. Social prowess isn’t our strong point, but here’s our attempt!

Twitter: @littlebigkast






On this episode, Rachel preps for exotic vacations, Robin goes hard at the rock & roll show, Drew continues the grind and Jeff? Well Jeff’s still playing Destiny. We talk about Batman’s ‘M’ rating, GTA online heists, and our Indie Game was Contrast!


The News:

  • BATMAN: Arkham Knight is rated ‘M’
  • GTAV Updates: Online Heists Coming March 10
  • Battlefield: Hardline has gone gold
  • Is the console war already won? PlayStation 4 to outsell the Xbox One by 40% by 2019
  • PS4’s game-sharing feature used to delete a kid’s ‘Destiny’ characters

New Releases:


  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  • Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
  • Limbo
  • Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Episode One
  • Rugby 15
  • Starwhal


  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  • Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Episode One
  • Rugby 15
  • Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late

PS Vita

  • Desert Ashes
  • htoL#NiQ -The Firefly Diary-
  • Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart


In this ginger-free episode, Drew does the entire show with out moving his lips, Rachel explores her trust issues & memory cards, and Robin survives the La Quinta!
Jeff is off taking care of the family, while we take care of business. News covers all things regarding the 20th anniversary of the PS1 and all things leading up to Playstation Experience this weekend in Vegas.
We, of course, talk about all the new releases and we spend sometime exploring our feelings. Specifically we get into the discussion of Physical media vs. Digital download, which is better? and why?
It’s a stellar show with the B-team!

New Releases: (Read more…)

LittleBigKast – Episode 33: Crotch Fire

In the latest installment of The LittleBigKast, Drew, Jeff, and Rachel, who looks a lot like KT, probably talk about something related to Destiny if Jeff is involved. Rachel most likely professes her undying love for Borderlands (as she should) and Drew puts the “Pro” in “Procrastination” with his grading responsibilities. The always-illuminating Robin is nowhere to be found as she was stuck in a La Quinta during the filming.

Oh, and there’s something to do with Crotch Fire, which sounds like the theme from the Cross Fire game commercial “Cross Fire (You’ll get caught up in the) Cross Fire, CROSS FIIIIIIRRRRRRRE!” If you don’t know this theme…that’s alright, we can help you.

The LittleBigKast just got a sexier!  Welcome @RobinHaislett to the LBK Crew!  Robin has a solid history of gaming academic research. She does a lot of research on “independent game developers and their force in the game industry.” Adding her to the LBK Crew probably makes us the most ‘educated’ gaming podcast out there!
This week we talk about Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Drive Club and of course Destiny. On this episode: video games bring families together, Jeff rolls his RRRsss, Robin skylanders and Rachel goes hard on puns…Drew just sat at home grading papers. #education

For the news we got you covered!

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