Dying your Dice
Many of us have oodles of extra sidekick dice. We bought each starter set to get those Basic Action and character cards, while accumulating lots of extra dice sidekick dice in the process. Some of us even went and purchased the collector’s boxes that added another set to your collection.
So what should we be doing with all of these extra, white, boring sidekick dice? You dye them!
Create variety to your game, and dye a set to match that beautiful mat you have. Also, don’t forget about all those extra action dice you have sitting around, those can get spiced up as well. Although these are not officially tournament legal, many casual local events will allow you to play them (just ask your Tournament Organizer first).
Here is a simple recipe to create that awesome set of dice that will have all your friends in envy.
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Making A Foam Board Tournament Tray
Customize That!
Article 3
Written by DoubleBurst.com
By Steve the Sage
I have noticed that one of the negative aspects of playing this wonderful game is cleaning up from my last game and setting up for my next game. There is an easier way to accomplish this that is simple and cheap. It’s basically a tray made of foam boards.
Event Types
Ways to Play Dice Masters
Customize That!
Article 2
Written by DoubleBurst.com
By: Zacgree
One of the great things about this game is that each time you play it is different than the last time. On top of that we have the opportunity to make events unique to mix it up even more.
We have compiled a few of the most unique and most fun events around. Feel free to adjust these to fit your group’s style.
Customize That!
Article 1
Written by DoubleBurst.com
By: TheBrownMessiah
Hey guys! We would like to introduce you to a new series of articles. This one will be called “Customize That!” since it was originally inspired by the “Errata That!” segments from our podcasts.
We want to feature all things customization. Whether it be cards, playmats, dice, dice towers, or anything else Dice Masters related, we want to share it with you.
In this article, we worked in conjunction of a couple of Dice Masters fans from Indiana that introduced us to their latest customization. Layne and his dad Mark were so inspired by our “Errata That!” segment that they started making custom Dice Masters cards. So far they have made the following cards: The Flash, Spider-Man, and lastly the Deck of Many Things
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