Awhile back on i saw a post talking about anyone who knew or had Itasha cars and for those who know me i have a very mild one. And those of you who are wondering about what “Itasha” is, it literally means “Paintmobile”
There’s a very large community behind this in Japan and does conventions every year to show off there cars like this
I had a chance to talk to Charline from a French Anime Magazine called Shadona. Shadona brings you the latest news and reviews about Anime and Anime Figures plus the industry behind it all, so if your wondering what this is all about check it out. Just yesterday there new issue of Shadona Magazine Vol. 2 came out and an article was done about the Itahsa cars with some of the pictures i submitted of my car with a quick interview. Now when i was asked about this i thought it was just going to be something with a few people and get to see others Itasha cars, but no it was just of mine. This was a very cool thing and threw me way off guard. So i like to thank Shadonia Magazine, Charline, and everyone on staff at Shadonia Magazine. Also if you like to see this as well follow this link to the website and check out there work. Oh yea i should also mention, it will be in French so use a internet translator if you can.