So you are ready to try this online streaming thing. Don’t know where to start? Check out our panel on Streaming 101! We will help get you through the first steps of streaming!
Check out all the wonderful people on the panel (I promise they all rock!):
Peachy Kari:
Stephan Watson/Cracked Brain:
Ever wanted to know all the technical bits involved with streaming? Check out this panel where we discuss it all! This is the first of two panels at Salt Lake Gaming Con 2019 that I was luckily enough to be invited to join in on. If you ever have any questions about streaming, make sure you leave it in the comments below or on any social media accounts!
Check out all the wonderful people on the panel (I promise they all rock!):
Peachy Kari:
Stephan Watson/Cracked Brain:
You read it right! Deedo and I are headed to the Gaming and Electronics Expo better known as GEEX! This is the premier (ok! well only) gaming and electronics expo in Utah. Also going us will be Mr. Marky Mort from Marky Mort’s Reviews on Youtube. We will be there Friday evening and all day Saturday walking around the show. We are going to try to some live streaming which you will be able to watch on the live page, and I will try to post some video up after the event too! If you are going to be going to the GEEX show let me know and we can meet up. You can reach me by leaving a comment below, send me an email or get me on Twitter: @Ktdata. I hope to see you there, we are going to have a blast!