Welcome listeners, and friends! You have chosen to watch, or listen to another episode of the LittleBigKast! The hosts could not be more thrilled that you stopped by to hear us discuss Sony! What happened this week? Drew doesn’t do anything really, just workey stuff. Robin escapes to her sanctuary of Animal Crossing, and her and Rachel 3DS street pass for the very first time <3. AND JEFF PLAYED MORE WITCHER 3 THAN DESTINY. I KNOW IT’S MIND-BLOWING. Here about his depressing ending to the story, and how you should parent your kid right, or else… Well…. They mod their body… Like Rachel. This week we discuss all of our Twitch streaming endeavors listen to the whole episode to hear that, and all of the other good stuff. Welcome everybody to the LittleBigKast.

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Come one, come all, to the 56th episode of the LittleBigKast. This episode had absolutely NO mistakes, and recording went smoothly and perfectly. (This is a lie, and only our Twitch watchers know the truth.) On this episode, Robin has been transformed into a man named Glenn! AKA she’s out of town and Glenn is substituting. However, Glenn brought a hamburger cake because RACHEL TURNED 22, YAY. Jeff goes on possibly the shortest Destiny rant ever recorded, but he is still interrupting every so often. Drew goes on a romantic date to Gamestop, and Glenn has the highest Witcher character out of all of us. Our Indie Game is Road Not taken, and oh– FALLOUT 4. Welcome everybody.


Don’t forget to follow all the good social media.

Email: LittleBigKast@ktdata.net

Twitter: @LittleBigKast

Facebook: LittleBigKast

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