
Sidekicks are a special type of dice and are defined, to some degree by their location. They are always Sidekick Dice for all effects.

They are also characters while in the Field Zone or the Reserve Pool on their character face (the pawn with A & D values of 1), but are not considered characters in any other area of play. While in the Field Zone they are valid targets for effects that target an active die or active dice.

For effects that require a player to name a character Sidekicks are ineligible because Sidekicks have no card, thus no name (a character’s name is found on its card). Examples of effects that name characters are: Constantine – Hellblazer, and  Catwoman – Nine Lives.

Sidekick is a type of die, and can be named with effects that name types of dice. Examples of effects that name types of dice are: Relaxing – Basic Action, and Deck of Many Things – Epic Magical Object.

Characters with the “Ally” keyword are considered Sidekicks once they are in the field.

Transition Zone

Term used for a zone where dice will go to when they are not in play. This can happen due to an effect, or when “using” dice on your turn. This is the same thing as “Out of play”.


Ramp is the process of generating more dice/energy for the future turn(s).


Short for process, is the term most players use to describe an effect resolving. This happens when the conditions of the effect are met. An ability that says “when attacks” will proc when that die is assigned to attack.


Giving the go ahead to the other player to take an action.


A term used to describe using a small amount of direct damage generally used to remove a character or trigger an effect.

Out of Play

Term used for a zone where dice will go to when they are not in play. This can happen due to an effect, or when “using” dice on your turn. This is the same thing as “Transition zone”.


Refers to finding a team(deck) online and copying it.


A playstyle that uses some elements of aggro and some elements of control. The strategy is usually to attempt an early aggro victory, but if the early victory is not achieved you can begin controlling the game until another win condition can be met.


By definition:

“Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one’s in-game decisions.”

It is also defined in Dice Masters as the most current and top played cards in the game at any given point.