GEEX 2011: Day 1

Here is the long awaited video of Deedo and I walking around the GEEX Show on Friday. I’ll be getting up day 2 very soon!

Big thanks to all the people who let us interview them. I’ll try to link all the different people we talked to but if I missed you let me know and I’ll add you.

Team Fortress 2 – Scout

Sylvanas Windrunner  – World of Warcraft

Infinity Blade FX –

Ori Cabur – Mandalorian Mercs – Krayt Clan –

Rouge Base – Rebel Legion Local Chapter –

Izzi – 501st Legion – Alpine Garrison – http://501st.com

And of course Deedo for tagging along with my crazy idea to do coverage of GEEX 2011.

Day 2 video and a full GEEX Show 2011 writeup will be coming up soon!

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