Ktdata’s Top 5: 2012 Anime

Top5Anime -Ktdata-01

Time to do the same thing every site does this time of the year, make a top 5 list. Considering that Deedo and I do a podcast on Anime, why not make a list of our favorite anime of 2012? You might notice that a lot of the anime was featured on the podcast, but hey it’s the reason why I started the podcast. Keep in mind that these are our personal favorites and there are no numbers behind any of these, it’s just the 5 we liked!

The list starts below the break!
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In this episode we learn what happens when you aren’t selfish on the court, Kirito pulls himself together and our jamed packed fall anime preview!

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be November 6, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ktdatanet

(Links to the show notes after the break.)

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In this episode the refs get their whistles on, we learn that Asuna and Kirito like to rotate beds and the Takafuji High Student Council elections come to an end.

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be October 23, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ktdatanet

(Links to the show notes after the break.)

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In this episode Kagami goes on a drink run, we learn what happens to guys when the see a pretty girl… they lag, and THNN talks about the latest election approval ratings.

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be October 9, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ktdatanet

(Links to the show notes after the break.)

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In this episode new old guy has a plan for Kuroko and Kagami, we play some cooking mama in Sword Art Online and ghost hunting at Takafuji High School!

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be September 25, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ktdatanet

(Links to the show notes after the break.)

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In this episode of the Kita! Anime Podcast we learn how to candy lemons, there’s a mystery in Sword Art Online and We are off to the races… with a nose bleed!

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be September 11, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ktdatanet

(Links to the show notes after the break.)

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In this episode Shaq shows up cheering for kuroko, Nicolas Cage visits the world of sword art and THNN covers the kickoff of the Takafuji High Elections.

We are also having a vote on what anime series to cover in next season’s Kita! Anime Podcast you can vote right here. Feel free to send any suggestions to our email address also.

Also help vote for an easier to remember Facebook page URL right here.

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be August 28, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pandabearproduction

(Links to the conventions after the break.)

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In this episode Hermione makes an appearance, Deedo and I decide what to put on bread and we quit anime to cover the political trail… of Takafuji High School!

We are also having a vote on what anime series to cover in next season’s Kita! Anime Podcast you can vote right here. Feel free to send any suggestions to our email address also.

Also help vote for an easier to remember Facebook page URL right here.

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be August 14, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pandabearproduction

(Links to the conventions after the break.)

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In this episode Kuroko Takes a punch, ninja koko makes an appearance and we take a look at this summer’s Anime. All that and a whole bunch of glitches!

We are also having a vote on what anime series to cover in next season’s Kita! Anime Podcast you can vote right here. Feel free to send any suggestions to our email address also.

Also help us vote for an easier to remember Facebook page URL right here.

Both video and audio versions are up!

Suggestions and comments can be left below or emailed to us at kita “AT” ktdata.net

Our next episode will be July 31, 2012! Save the date and watch us live!

You can subscribe to this channel for video versions and the following links for the audio version:

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/kita!-anime-podcast/id476314378
Stitcher Radio: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19191
Other software: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KitaAnimePodcast

Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pandabearproduction

(Links to the conventions after the break.)

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Anime Expo 2012 – Day 1

The moment many of you have been waiting for… footage from our Anime Expo 2012 trip! Deedo and I were there for 3 days and we have some amazing interviews and pictures for you all. So sit back and enjoy our videos and pictures from day 1.

(More videos and pictures after the break)

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