A way to solve Tech-Neck, steampunk dinos rise from 3D printers and a water bottle that might just convince me to drink water.

If you have a project that has caught your eye that you want to share, record a 5-10 minute video or audio clip and send it to KickCast “AT” Ktdata.Net! It could be featured on the next episode.

You can find me on most of the major social media sites:

Twitter: @Kickcast

Facebook: Facebook.com/KickCast

Google+: KickCast

Pinterest: Ktdata

Also you can come watch us record live too. We try to start around 9PM Mountain time. The next episode will be October 15, 2013at: Live.KickCast.Net


Show Notes:


Clipped from https://www.shoplocket.com/


What really happens after a crowdfunding campaign

Clipped from http://venturebeat.com/2013/09/30/what-really-happens-after-a-crowdfunding-campaign/


i90 Glasses

Clipped from http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/143547447/i90-heads-up-tablet-and-smartphone-glasses


Steampunk Dinosaurs & Dragons – 3D Printed

Clipped from http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1132745934/steampunk-dinosaurs-and-dragons-3d-printed


BluFit Bottle

Clipped from http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/blufit-bottle/x/1636070


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