A project that might convince Ktdata to start smoking, a way to get the perfect tie length and it’s time to take shots… of salad!

You can find me on most of the major social media sites:

Twitter: @Kickcast

Facebook: Facebook.com/KickCast

Google+: KickCast

Pinterest: Ktdata

Also you can come watch us record live too. We try to start around 9PM Mountain time. The next episode will be June 9, 2014 at: Live.KickCast.Net


Show Notes:

Indiegogo Playbook

Clipped from http://go.indiegogo.com/playbook


Equity Crowdfunding on IndieGogo

Clipped from http://www.cnbc.com/id/101693940


Getting Sick of Crowdfunding?

Clipped from http://www.gamespot.com/articles/wasteland-2-dev-doesn-t-believe-people-are-sick-of-kickstarter-are-you/1100-6419867/



Clipped from https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/150839550/footblast



Clipped from https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/42379856/slipguard-rug-grip-in-a-can


Go Show

Clipped from https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1512857694/go-show-a-movie-theater-in-your-pocket


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