Rain Coat Monkey Suruga Kanbaru Figma!

Here we have the 4th Figma in the Bakemonogatari line. And of all 4 of them i think this one shows the best show case. One of the better features i found on Suruga is that she comes with her basketball so this can go well with very sporty shots, and  a cloth rain coat and this does have some good and bad features as well.

The Good!

It can go on just about any Figmas with very little to no problems. And it looks good too, so i’m hoping Max Factory will make more Figmas with cloth as part of the figure.

The Bad!

It’s all one piece. I thought that the rain coat might open up with velcro, but i was wrong. So as i’m getting ready to put it on i almost ripped the seams thinking it was velcro. Boy would i have been mad lol.

As for Suruga as a figure, i like it and her monkey arm or bandage arm was a nice touch and i just think that she has alot compared to other Figmas since if you think about it you almost get 2 figures for the price of one since you get a “shadow” face and a whole new arm with that rain coat. So it’s almost like a new figure with her. There will be one more and maybe the last Figma to come out from the Bakemonogatai line that’s due this December. I hope to pick it up as well since i’ve come this far from this line. But also it seems that from my past posts, i get talk about the panda car and i think i’ll be keeping that with this Figma line. Enjoy!


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