In this ginger-free episode, Drew does the entire show with out moving his lips, Rachel explores her trust issues & memory cards, and Robin survives the La Quinta!
Jeff is off taking care of the family, while we take care of business. News covers all things regarding the 20th anniversary of the PS1 and all things leading up to Playstation Experience this weekend in Vegas.
We, of course, talk about all the new releases and we spend sometime exploring our feelings. Specifically we get into the discussion of Physical media vs. Digital download, which is better? and why?
It’s a stellar show with the B-team!

New Releases: (Read more…)

LittleBigKast – Episode 33: Crotch Fire

In the latest installment of The LittleBigKast, Drew, Jeff, and Rachel, who looks a lot like KT, probably talk about something related to Destiny if Jeff is involved. Rachel most likely professes her undying love for Borderlands (as she should) and Drew puts the “Pro” in “Procrastination” with his grading responsibilities. The always-illuminating Robin is nowhere to be found as she was stuck in a La Quinta during the filming.

Oh, and there’s something to do with Crotch Fire, which sounds like the theme from the Cross Fire game commercial “Cross Fire (You’ll get caught up in the) Cross Fire, CROSS FIIIIIIRRRRRRRE!” If you don’t know this theme…that’s alright, we can help you.

The LittleBigKast just got a sexier!  Welcome @RobinHaislett to the LBK Crew!  Robin has a solid history of gaming academic research. She does a lot of research on “independent game developers and their force in the game industry.” Adding her to the LBK Crew probably makes us the most ‘educated’ gaming podcast out there!
This week we talk about Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Drive Club and of course Destiny. On this episode: video games bring families together, Jeff rolls his RRRsss, Robin skylanders and Rachel goes hard on puns…Drew just sat at home grading papers. #education

For the news we got you covered!

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LittleBigKast – Episode 28:Hello Jarith!

On this episode show Rachel gets her gums sliced, drew blows a tire and Jeff is still slammed by the spreadsheets! Oh and P.T.! As per our usual we take some time to catch up and talk about the games we’ve played like Bungie’s Destiny and Borderlands…We even get Rachel’s Animal Crossing update.  We recap our livestream playing Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro’s “Silent Hills” teaser P.T.. We had the whole LBK scare crew in the basement of our haunted library jumping and scaring and guessing. With a little help we were able to figure out the little puzzles and make our way through that psychotic and creepy hallway. For the News section we covered the hot stuff, Playstation TV, Destiny, Playstation Home and more!

News topics and links:

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LittleBigKast – Episode 27: Tired and Wired

Reunited, and it feels so good. Remember when we always sat around this table and physically communicated to each other? I do, and it feels good to be back. On this episode Rachel goes on another tattoo rant, Jeff complains about VLOOKUP, and spreadsheets (who wouldn’t). We also discuss the OFFICIAL animal of Scotland.  Master Drew also prevents Rachel from spending her life in prison. We also finally go over up to episode 3 of The Wolf Among Us.  Join us for this episode of LBK!

News this week was the usual. Playstation (Read more…)

Hey everybody! Episode 26 is another shorty, but goody. Jeff explains how to play Destiny while traveling half away across the country. #BecauseDestiny Also, on this ‘sode, Rachel gave in and buys herself the pretty Glacier White PS4, and it is only mere days before Drew gives in, to buy his own PS4. Oh, and Rachel may be naked on this episode.

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On this episode Rachel checks in her eye bags at the Delta counter, Drew has a chili pepper on and Jeff asks about tasteful nudes. It’s Episode 25 folks! We, of course spend a little time pining for Destiny, and covering the news. We even devote some time to discussing the week’s big topic; the treatment of women in the gaming community.

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Rachel’s back, say what? Listen to her mention some of her adventure to koala-land. Watch Drew dance in ice and Skittles. You also get to learn where Drew gets all of his fashionable clothes. Jeff talks about how much he peed himself while playing the teaser to Guillermo del Toro’s upcoming version of Silent Hill. KT makes a guest appearance to explain his feelings towards Amazon purchasing Twitch, and why can’t hackers JUST LEAVE SONY ALONE.


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LittleBigKast – Episode 21: #SwagSack

On todays episode Drew drew grabs his swag sack and talks Rocket love, Rachel risks all for a Koala Burger and Jeffs man crush everyday is Chris Pratt. We talk about Destiny more after Drew and Rachel had a chance to play, and then we ask ourselves the question, “What game will it take you to move to the next gen.?”

In the news we talk about these stories:… (Read more…)

What’s up everybody!  I’ll keep this short because I am SUPER late in getting this post up.  First of all welcome to episode 20 of The LittleBigKast!  In this episode we get into the nitty gritty of Destiny, from pros and cons of the Beta to the rumors of sequels.  I apologize for the episode coming out late, it was my (Jeff’s) fault and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.  In the meantime we hope you enjoy episode 20 of The LittleBigKast.
