X-Men First Class Draft Cheat Sheet

X-Men First Class

Draft Cheat Sheet


Written by Zacgree

This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!

You can also download a double sided, printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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A quick rules forum update and our thoughts on the new X-Men First Class set!

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Theme: Tilt By Avaren

Show Notes: (Read more…)

Wizkids sent the Double Burst crew a few packs of the upcoming X-Men First Class Dice Masters set. Find out what we got in the video above! When you are done with that, take a listen to our special podcast episode where we talk about the cards in the packs (hit the play button below).

X-Men First Class will be hitting your local game store soon!

For more cool Jazz covers check out Andrew Allen!

Big thanks to Wizkids for sending us the booster packs for review!

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