LittleBigKast – Episode 65: Pole Burn

Aaaaand we’re here! I know you were panicked when we had to postpone until a day later, but nothing could keep us away from the fun that is Littlebigkast for very long!

We have all decided adulting is hard so we’re just not going to do it anymore! Drew goes on vacation and plays video games in Yellowstone, Jeff laments his personal fitness goals, Rachel discusses her exercise routine (and has everything to do with our show title, and Robin gives her review for “Armada” from Ernest Cline and “You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)” from Felicia Day (because we is intelligets!).

Ponder this and the latest news with us for our senior citizen episode! (Get it? Because it’s 65? See? Eh, eh?)

Incoming indie game: “Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture” – Play it, critique it, share it with us!


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Facebook: LittleBigKast



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