Kicking through the Shadows

In honor of my love for Persona here comes Satonaka Chie in Figma form. Max Factory did a really good job bring out the Kung-Fu loving Chie as a action figure with 3 different glasses, 2 extra faces (one being her shadow face) an extra hair piece and a kicking action piece your left with a lot of fun poses and or Kung-Fu action! Well okay that last part was kinda bad but if you love old Kung-Fu movies then this will hit close to home.

Chie doesn’t come with much in ways of accessories but at least mine did have some issues. The plug on the stand to her back is lose and Chie comes off very easy, i’m not sure if this is just mine or a defect in this line also some of her hands are also loose. But aside from that she does have a nice feel and really does a great job in showing off what Persona is, and i’m sure if more people were to look into this they too would like to play or even watch Persona. Plus the kicking action piece is just great!

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