One comes, Ssssslinding in.

To update my Bakemonogatari figma collection comes Nadeko Sengoku. So far of all the figmas to have come out Nadeko comes with some of the best accessories like 2 jackets and a hat that can fit on other figmas but one of the best features about Nadeko is her appearance. You can pose Nadeko in a good various of ways and still look very cute, there are only a few figmas that has ever pulled this off. Apart of her accessories comes some straight arms and 2 locked hands for even more poses that you play with.

I find that even if you don’t really know about Bakemonogatari but Nadeko does catches your eye it wouldn’t be bad to get her since she’s a all around good figma, there isn’t about her that’s great but at the same time too nothing all that bad about her. I’m glad i did end up getting her and it’s not to add to my Bakemonogatari but as a figure all together, so if your looking for something nice and cute look at Nadeko i’m sure she’ll find a way into your heart and house.

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