Say Hello to my Little Friend!

Fate/Zero has become very popular as of late and “Zero Saber” figma was just released. For all those who don’t know I’m a pretty big Saber fan so i tend to collect all the figma versions but i am missing Fate/Extra Saber.

Fate/Zero Saber as you can see comes in a sharp suit and her hair is in a pony tail than tied in a bun. After posing her and doing all my pictures i ran into a few problems, one of them being that her ponytail is kinda lose and falls out. I think this would be her biggest flaw, the “Slashing effect” for Excalibur is very heavy and makes it hard for the figure to hold the sword properly. This isn’t really a problem but i do say watch out for her bracelets since they will come off when you remove her hands and will be lost very easy. She comes with quite a few goodies with 2 Excalibur’s (one invisible) and also the scabbed. An extra hair piece and 2 more faces. But as for her over all a great figure and i personally like and i’m sure will play nice with the rest of my Sabers.

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