LittleBigKast – Episode 28:Hello Jarith!

On this episode show Rachel gets her gums sliced, drew blows a tire and Jeff is still slammed by the spreadsheets! Oh and P.T.! As per our usual we take some time to catch up and talk about the games we’ve played like Bungie’s Destiny and Borderlands…We even get Rachel’s Animal Crossing update.  We recap our livestream playing Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro’s “Silent Hills” teaser P.T.. We had the whole LBK scare crew in the basement of our haunted library jumping and scaring and guessing. With a little help we were able to figure out the little puzzles and make our way through that psychotic and creepy hallway. For the News section we covered the hot stuff, Playstation TV, Destiny, Playstation Home and more!

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