We would first recommend your local gaming store. It’s a great place to meet other players and support the local community. It’s also your best bet for finding Organized Play events. Also, some local Wal-Marts, Targets, and Walgreens stock Dice Masters Products
If there is nothing local, or they do not have what you are looking for here are a few online retailers:
Sandy Game Haven: http://Sandygamehaven.crystalcommerce.com
Cool Stuff Inc: http://coolstuffinc.com
Troll and Toad: http://trollandtoad.com
Arrow Star Games: http://arrowstargames.com
Amazon: Amazon.com
eBay: http://ebay.com
These are also great places to find the going rates if you are looking to value your collection.
Dice Towers:
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/market/dice_tower
You may also get custom mats printed here:
Inked Gaming: http://www.inkedgaming.com/