KickCast – Beta 4

In this episode we talk about how Kickstarter is not a store, a possible Airplay alternative, the solution for going uphill on a long board and manly mayonnaise.

This is going to be our final Beta episode! Yes you read that right,the next episode of the KickCast will be a production version! I think we got most of the kinks worked out and we are ready for an Episode 1. We will record episode 1 on October 18, 2012. You can watch us record it live around 6-7PM Mountain time at (or just click on the live tab on this page!).

I hope you guys enjoy and if you have any feedback, projects you want to share or just want to talk you can reach us at KickCast “AT”

You can find us on most of the major social media sites:

Twitter: @Kickcast


Google+: KickCast

Pinterest: Ktdata

Also you can come watch us record live too. We are still working on exact dates and times but it will be found here: Live.KickCast.Net


Show Notes:

KickStarter Is Not a Store


LaGrange L1


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