“Onaka ga suite imasu” Index comes!

A while back i posted about the Index Figma and now i can write a real review about her. Figma has always been known for there articulation and quality when making there figures this time they decided to take a new approach and add cloth to there figures. Up till now most of them have been made of ABS plastic so some figures couldn’t be made due to there clothing but with this Figma they made Index’s lower dress out of cloth allowing for full movement with her legs but i would still have liked it if her coat was also made with cloth too and maybe even her head wear.

Index doesn’t come with a lot of accessories but her cat Sphinx, prayer hands, knife and fork. Her head wear also gets in the way of her arms but it is removable and comes with another front head piece, and 2 other faces. Even with these limitations Index still proves to be a good Figma in the line up thus far but wish they would have given her rage face.

Check out the gallery after the break.

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