Image Courtesy of Wizkids
Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by Zacgree
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
Agent Carter: KO’d sidekicks go to bag – clog the bag (Careful of your own being KO’d)
Blind Al: Deal 1 damage when taking combat damage – good blocker
Domino: Extra reroll – good stats
Evil Deadpool: KO Sidekick or DP die when KO’d from combat damage
Hit Monkey: Fast with low-ish cost
Kidpool: Good stats on DP team
Lockjaw: 2 damage to opponent’s character board clear
Medusa: Block 2 dice with Deadly
MODOK: Control opponents reroll and spinning of dice
Motorcycle: Buff die, global to remove blocked die (Good with Deadly)
Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Good aggro stats and possible level 3
Outlaw: Aggro, low attack – needs buff or Transfer Power global
Scarlet Witch: Stats, move fist die from opponents prep to bag
Shiklah: Big defense with dice in prep
Stepford Cuckoos: Endgame clear last couple blockers
Storm: Situational – change ? to bolt, ok stats, cheap
Agent Carter: Sidekick control – All sidekicks (including yours) cost 1 more to field
Elektra: Unblockable by non-DP unless opponent spends one energy
Fantomex: Can only be blocked by villains or opponent moves a die from prep area to bag
Flying Car: Buffs multiples of character dice when another one is fielded
Free Chimichangas: +2D and Deadly
Hit Monkey: Direct damage (buff him)
Motorcycle: Return dice blocked and KO’d
Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Attack to get level 3 & Fast with underdog
Stepford Cuckoos: Die removal and dice to prep
Storm: Opponents can’t reroll basic actions
Wolverine: Buff DP die, decent stats
X-23: Beefy Character with regenerate
Angel Dust: Low Defense. Board clear when blocking
Black Bolt: Force blockers with Deadly attacker
Blind Al: Cheap if you let damage come though
Bob, Agent of Hydra: DP dice can’t be targeted by actions
Elektra: Cheap. 2 and under cost can’t be targeted by globals
Evil Deadpool: Back for More: KO Sidekick or DP die
Flying Car: Deal damage as if unblocked
Lockjaw: Life gain and small buff
Madame Hydra: Deal 3 damage to both players unless move a die from prep
Miguel O’Hara: Fast, Back For More: deal 1 to opponent
Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Deadly with Underdog
Sandi Brandenburg: Change the DP die target to her
Satchel of Unlimited Weaponry: Lots of action dice = lots of damage
Shiklah: Move a Sidekick from used pile to prep area once a turn
Storm: Deal 1 damage each time you use an action
Super Rares:
X-23 SR: Use with Stepford Cuckoos
Lady Deadpool SR: Double actions
Multiple Man SR: Swarm, max 6, cheap, good stats
Captain America SR: Deal damage w/ action and global
Wolverine SR: Deal damage when opponents dice are KO’d
Be sure to also checkout our DP Draft Guide for more details and strategy on drafting in this set.
Tags: Deadpool, Dice Masters, Double Burst, DP, Draft