X-Men First Class
Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by Zacgree
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a double sided, printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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Guardians of the Galaxy
Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by Zacgree
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a double sided, printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by Zacgree
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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Deadpool Draft Strategies
By Dr. J
After having an opportunity to draft the new Deadpool set, the Double Burst crew is back with another installment of our draft strategies! The new set is great and has a lot of awesome cards in it. There is a problem though, a lot of these cards are amazing in a constructed format, but most of them don’t synergize well in set. This can make a Deadpool draft particularly challenging. Don’t get me wrong, it is still a blast to draft, but it may take a little more brain power to come up with a great draft team. But don’t worry, because Double Burst has got you covered. We’ll lay out a few of the draft strategies that worked for us and you can try them out, or you can put your own spin on them and let us know how they worked out for you. So without further ado, let’s get into the strategies.
Image Courtesy of Wizkids
Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by Zacgree
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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Image Courtesy of Wizkids
Green Arrow and The Flash
Draft Strategies
Written by DoubleBurst.com
By: Dr. J
Green Arrow and The Flash is the perfect example of how Wizkids is improving the game of Dice Masters. This set has been the most fun I have ever had drafting since I started back during the Age of Ultron release.
What makes this set so much fun?
This set is so different from past sets. With the introduction of Green Arrow and The Flash we now have: Crossover Characters, Impulse Abilities, Crosspulse Abilities, Unique Globals, Shiny Foils, Cheap Control Characters, New Affiliations, and White Lanterns! All of these amazing additions to the game make for an exciting and challenging draft experience. “But what are some of the amazing strategies that I can use while drafting?” you might be asking. Well, that’s what Dr. J is here to share with you. Some of these strategies are ones I employed in my drafts, and some of them are strategies that ripped me up and spat me out, but one thing is for sure…they work. So without further ado, let’s jump right in.
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Image Courtesy of Wizkids
Green Arrow and The Flash
Draft Cheat Sheet
Written by DoubleBurst.com
This is a little cheat sheet that Double Burst has come up with to help you out in your drafts. It lists our favorite cards in the set and a little reminder on how they can help you win your draft. That way no matter what you pull in your packs you can find something that works for you. Good luck!!
You can also download a printer friendly version of the Cheat Sheet here.
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